SAGHA Research Team
The project team is a diverse, highly qualified and multidisciplinary team, with expertise in cardiovascular disease, human genomic data collection and analysis, genetic counselling, and primary care.
Principal Investigators

Dr Sonia Shah
Dr Shah leads the Genomics in Health group at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland. Her research uses genomic and health data to advance our understanding of heart disease so we can improve prevention and treatment. Dr Shah is the project lead for the SAGHA study. Dr Shah is of South Asian ancestry; though born in Kenya, she is of Indian origin.

Dr Tatiane Yanes
Dr Yanes is a clinician–researcher and Genetic Counsellor at the Diamantina Institute, University of Queensland. Her research focuses on evaluating the ethical, legal and social implications of genetic and genomic technologies, and is informed by her clinical, where she support families undergoing genetic testing. Her role in the SAGHA project is to provide expertise in the area of conducting focus groups and following up of participants and liaising with GPs in the area of genetics.

Dr Kim Greaves
Professor Kim Greaves is a cardiologist and epidemiologist. He is the Director of Cardiac Research and Senior Staff Specialist in the Department of Cardiology, Sunshine Coast University Hospital, Queensland. Kim has a 25-year track record in clinical CVD research, and more recently in population health research focusing on CVD prevention in primary care, and the linkage of primary care data with hospital and other health data sets care. Kim’s role in the SAGHA project is to provide clinical expertise in cardiovascular disease prevention and leverage his experience in working with primary care providers.

Professor Julie McGaughran
Professor Julie McGaughran is the Director of Queensland Health, Genetic Health Queensland. She has expertise in cardiovascular genetics and will provide expert clinical input in all stages of the project.

Professor John Atherton
Prof John Atherton is a practicing clinician and Director of Cardiology at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH). Prof Atherton co-established the Royal Brisbane Womens Hospital Cardiac Genetic Clinic in collaboration with Genetic Health QLD, which provides genetic testing for genetic cardiac disease. He is also on the Board of Directors for the National Cardiac Registry Board as the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ) representative.

Professor Katharine Wallis
Katharine is a GP clinician researcher, Mayne Professor and Head of the Mayne Academy of General Practice, and Head of the General Practice Clinical Unit. Katharine’s research focusses on patient safety in primary care, in particular supporting safer prescribing in general practice to minimise medication related harm.

Professor Naomi Wray
Professor Naomi Wray holds joint appointments at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB) and the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) within the University of Queensland. She is a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Leadership Fellow, a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Science. In 2020 she was awarded the NHMRC Elizabeth Blackburn Award for Leadership in Basic Science. She is a Clarivate Highly Cited researcher. Her research focusses on development of quantitative genetics and genomics methodology with application to psychiatric, neurological disorders and complex disorders including CVD.

Dr Rehan Villani
Dr Villani is a research officer at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Institute with vast experience as a Genomics Educator and has worked in supporting training and health service evaluation and implementation of genomics in clinical practice. She has been responsible for the engagement and delivery of consumer and clinician clinical genomics resources, such as genomics education modules and resources, and led the creation of the Genomic Institute webpage and the online Genomics Learning Centre.

Dr Aideen McInerny-Leo
Dr Aideen McInerney-Leo trained as a genetic counsellor in the UK before moving to the US to conduct clinical research at the National Institutes of Health and lecture at Johns Hopkins University. She is now a research leader within the Dermatology Research Centre at the Fraser Institute, University of Queensland. Her research aims to democratise access to genetic testing by upskilling clinicians to offer testing and creating educational interventions to empower patients to make informed decisions regarding testing.

Dr Divya Mehta
Associate Professor Mehta is group leader for the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Stress Genomics group. She is the co-Program Lead, “Genomic Epidemiology and Analysis”, Centre for Genomics and Personalised Health and “Sports Systems Domain”, Centre for Data Science at the Queensland University of Technology. Her research lies as the cusp of psychology, genetics and statistics and focuses on identification of individual genetic and environmental factors that drive our response to stress. As a geneticist and biostatistician, her research involves the development and implementation of statistical methods to identify risk factors for psychiatric disorders and its comorbidities such as cardiovascular disorders.

Dr Heena Akbar
Dr Akbar is an academic with the School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine at The University of Queensland. Heena has worked in higher education for more than 30 years with expertise in community health, women’s health, gender equity, chronic conditions prevention and management, community development research and training through capacity building & monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) frameworks, contributing to both nationally and international global health context. As a Fijian woman and co-founding member of the Pasifika Women’s Alliance Inc. (PWA) in Queensland, she has worked very closely with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and culturally and linguistically diverse communities including Māori and Pasifika peoples, promoting and advocating for cultural identity, health equity and health and wellbeing. Heena is passionate about building community capacity through co-designed solutions, and integrating participatory action research, Indigenous perspectives and knowledge systems with social justice principles to promote equitable health.
Research Team

Dr Vaishnavi Nathan
Dr Nathan completed a PhD in skin cancer genetics through the University of Queensland, followed by a Masters of Genetic Counselling at the University of Technology Sydney. Dr Nathan is the Clinical Coordinator on this project and will be leading focus group discussions to understand the views of South Asians on genetic research and heart health. She works in the Integrating Genomic into Medicine group at The Frazer Institute, University of Queensland. Dr Nathan is of South Asian ancestry; she is a Singapore-born Indian and her mother- tongue is Tamil. She is actively involved in the Brisbane Tamil and Hindu community.

Ms Deborah Gilroy
Deborah is a senior research project officer within the Human Studies Unit at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland. Her background is nursing with experience in coordinating and managing investigator and industry-based research /clinical trials in University, Hospital, Community and Regulatory settings. She has worked in the areas of mental health, hypertension, endocrine, cardiac and diabetes. Her role within the SAHGA study is to assist in project administration and coordinate research activities.

Ms Anjali Henders
Anjali is responsible for the coordination of research activities and strategies, research governance and supervision of a high-through put genomics laboratory, the Human Studies Unit at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland. Anjali has over 15 years of experience managing complex, large-scale research programmes and specialises in facilitating and managing interdisciplinary collaborations and consortia. She brings specific expertise to this study in the management of projects involving community engagement and genomics.

Mrs Leanne Wallace
Leanne Wallace is responsible for managing the Human Studies Unit laboratory where samples for this project will be sent to. Leanne has over 20 years of experience implementing and managing large scale human research projects involving sample collection through to genomic data generation and analysis. Leanne’s ability to work with professionals and researchers from various disciplines will ensure the aims of this project will be achieved. Leanne studied at Griffith University obtaining a Bachelors degree in Biomedical Science and Masters in Genetic Counselling.

Madhura Bhadravathi Lokeshappa
Madhura leads the development of the Human Studies Unit Information Systems. She obtained her Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science from Visvesvaraya Technological University, India. Prior to joining HSU, she worked as a Software Engineer in one of the leading Bioinformatics company in India, developing and maintaining company’s CRM portals and websites.
SAGHA Community Advisory Group
The SAGHA Study Community Advisory Group (CAG) is comprised of members from the Queensland South Asian community. The role of the CAG is to give a community perspective on how best to do genomics research with this community, ensuring that community concerns are considered and addressed, and research is conducted in a culturally sensitive and respectful manner.

Ms Maleeha Waqar
Maleeha is a neuroscientist and PhD student in biomedical sciences at the University of Queensland (UQ) where she focuses her research on developing new therapeutics for the autoimmune disease ‘Multiple Sclerosis’. As a Pakistani, her heritage is at the centre of her identity, and she has been actively engaged with her community in Brisbane and Queensland. She has served as the president of the Pakistani Students’ Association at UQ and actively volunteers for many South Asian community organisations. As a person with a lived experience of the impact of cardiac disease in her family, Maleeha has been an active and vocal member of the SAGHA community advisory group to bring representation and experiences of her community. As a consumer advocate for genomics research and its impact on healthcare, Maleeha is also a member of the Genomics Consumer Advisory Group for Queensland health. She is fluent in several South Asian languages including Urdu, Punjabi and Hindi and is a strong advocate for cultural and linguistic representation for South Asians in Australia.

Mr Sarat (Reg) Maharaj
Mr Maharaj is a prominent leader within the QLD Indian community. He brings a wealth of experience in humanitarian assistance and community service, by helping with settling refugees and other new arrivals for equity and access with health, education, transportation and services, and with translation and language teaching for 32 years. He is the President of the Hindustani Language and Culture School Queensland. He has volunteered in the Lions Medical Research Foundation, Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation, Lions Worldwide Diabetes Awareness Program, Lions Sight Conservation & Preventive Blindness Program, and Lions Mobility Programs across 44 years. Mr Maharaj has been a policy advisor to all levels of government for 8 years and has participated in RSV Research 2022, Community Engagement Health Services Australia and Metro North Queensland.

Dr Nahid Choudhury
Dr Choudhury is a clinician and Senior Lecturer in Nursing at Swinburne University of Technology. He is a proud member of the Bangladeshi community in Queensland and well connected with the community. He will facilitate research in the community and provide clinical input into the project.

Vrunda Sane
Vrunda is a genetic counsellor working at Genetic health Queensland, RBWH and Wellspring Genetics, Greenslopes Private Hospital. She has nearly 10 years of clinical experience and she works mainly in the area of familial cancer. Vrunda also has a formal qualification in education, and she taught in secondary as well as tertiary education sector in India and Australia before changing careers to genetic counselling. Vrunda is active member of the Indian community. is one of the founder members of the not for profit group “Maayboli Marathi in South East Queensland” which aims to promote and teach Marathi language in Australia. Vrunda is a licenced radio panel operator and she regularly broadcasts for radio 4eb 98.1 FM, Brisbane’s ethnic radio for the “Namaste World “ show.

Mrs Rajini Eshawarachar Shankar
My name Rajini E Shankar, living in Ipswich, I’m mum of 8-year-old kid and carer for my husband, who is suffering from chronic illness. This is my 5th year in Australia and on pathway to permanent residency. Basically, I’m from India, linguistically and culturally diverse, non-English speaking background. From January 2021 to present working as a Consumer Representative for West Moreton Health and from June 2021 to present Health Consumer for Queensland Health. As a Consumer Representative, I review documents, codesign projects, participate in workshops, give suggestions and feedback, participate in volunteer work, lead kitchen-table discussions and am an Advisory Council member. I also did Certificate III in Health Administrative Assistant at Mater Education. At present working as a Volunteer Administrative Assistant at Mater Hospital, South Brisbane.